
Základná škola, Sitnianska 32, Banská Bystrica
Stredná škola: Gymnázium Ružomberok, ul. Š.Moyzesa

Moje spomienky: "S basketbalom som začínala v deviatich rokoch v rodnej Banskej Bystrici.Nikto ma k nemu nenútil, ani v rodine sme nemali žiaden vyslovene športový typ, ktorý by ma v tomto smere nejako inšpiroval. Dnes to možno možno na tvári vyčarí aj úsmev, ale hlavným jediným dôvodom, prečo som sa na palubovke vlastne objavila, bolo to, že sa mi veľmi páčila basketbalová lopta. Farebnosťou, celkovým grafickým riešením, veľkosťou a vlastne všetkým dohromady. Môj otec pracoval v Centre voľného času JUNIOR v Banskej Bystrici a na oddelení telovýchovy športu a turistiky mali basketbalové krúžky. Prvú MINI – basketbalovú loptu mi darovala teta Katka Dacejová, ktorá viedla krúžok začínajúcich basketbalistiek. V 3.ročníku Záklanej školy som začala navštevovať basketbalovú prípravku ÚMB Banská Bystrica pod vedením trénera Martina Krnáča. Postupne som obliekala dresy všetkýxch mládežníckych družstiev v štvrtom ročníku začínali súťaže MINI-žiačok, MINI-staršie žiačky, mladšie žiačky, staršie žiačky, kadetky, juniorky. Bolo pravidlom, že v jednej sezóne som štartovala za dva celky. To ku ktorému som podľa roka narodenia prislúchala, a celkom o kategóriu vyššie.Za to obdobie som získala viacero medalí, zlato z republikového šampionátu sme však ani s jedným tímom nezískali“, v skratke ponúka svoju banskobystrickú basketbalovú chronológiu. Na Základnej škole ul.Sitnianska 32 v Banskej Bystrici sa zúčastňovala Školských športových súťaží SAŠŠ v basketbale, hádzanej a dievčenskom futbale.

Keď ukončila základnú školu, odišla ako sama hovorí za lepšími podmienkami do Ružomberka. Prvá sezóna v novom prostredí sa jej ešte nedarí podľa vlastných predstáv, záver tej nasledujúcej sa však nesie v žiari zlatého lesku – skvelá partia junioriek okolo trénera Antona Panisa získava pod košmi favorizovanej Prievidze titul majstra Slovenska. V závere spomínaného súťažného ročníka absolvuje aj niekoľko tréningov s prvým ženským tímom, od začiatku práve prebiehajúcej sezóny je to už samozrejmosťou. Extraligovú premieru absolvuje v úvodnom kole aktuálnej edície doma proti Popradu. Mala som veľkú trému. V hale bolo veľa ľudí, dovtedy som nič podobné nezažila,“ spomína s odstupom niekoľkých mesiacov a pokračuje :“ Keď trénera Stanislava Onušku vystriedal pán Peter Kováčik, myslela som si, že šancí bude dostávať málo. Prvá príležitosť sa mi naskytla v domácom súboji proti Delte Košice a potom ma tréner už staval pravidelne.“
Andrea okusuje aj atmosféru Európskeho pohára. Aká táto súťaž je sa najdôvernejšie presviedča v odvetnom stretnutí 1. kola vyraďovacej fázy centrálnej konferencie so Szegeďom. „Tento zápas som nezvládla psychicky. Po prehre o 10 bodov v Maďarsku sme veľmi chceli postúpiť, no ruky nám až príliš zväzoval tlak, ktorý sme dookola pociťovali.“Mladá hráčka, pôvodne „profesijne“ krídelníčka, však aj v tomto zápase niekoľkokrát dokazuje, že MBK má po čase opäť nádejnú rozohrávačku, ktorá okrem dirigovania hry je schopná bezproblémovo vnikať aj pod súperov kôš.
Andrea Oravcová je veľkou obdivovateľkou amerického basketbalu. Mužského. Imponuje jej najmä herná virtuozita excelentná streľba. Možno práve preto je jej snom skúsiť raz basketbal v Mekke tejto inteligentnej hry.Ale predtým by ešte rada navliekla na seba dres so štátnym znakom. Predpoklady na to určite má.
Podľa časopisu Peking 2008 číslo 4-5 Február marec 2005 sa konali v Ružomberku Majstrovstvá Slovenska v basketbale dievčat stredných škôl. Tu celkove zvíťazilo Gymnázium Š.Moysesa, Ružomberok za ktorý Andrejka hral a bola zaradená aj do Najlepšej päťky: Andrea Oravcová /Ružomberok/, J.Čarnoká / BanskáBystrica/, A.Zmeková/Myjava/, M.Zentková/Ružomberok/, L.Krč – Turbová/ Myjava/.
Ďalšími trénermi boli: Marián Svoboda a Csaba Déri.
Tento školský rok úspešne zmaturovala na Gymnáziu v Ružomberku a chce navštevovať vysokú školu v Brne alebo v Banskej Bystrici.
So svojím družstvom Gymnázia Ružomberok sa zúčastní v dňoch 24.-26. júna v Trnave aj olympiády stredných škôl Slovenskej Republiky GAUDEAMUS IGITUR 2007.

Mgr. Katarína Dacejová, CVČ JUNIOR Banská Bystrica




Slovenský olympijský výbor vyhlásil aj v tomto roku „Vedomostná súťaž o olympizme“, ktorá bude v roku 2014 organizovaná pre stredné školy.


Organizátori (olympijské kluby) môžu organizovať i súťaž pre ZŠ, tie však nepostupujú do celoslovenského kola.


Slovenská asociácia športu na školách ako dobrý partner SOV, bude participovať na tejto súťaži, preto si Vás dovoľujem pozvať k účasti na tejto aktivite.



Twenty-six years of the Slovak School Sport Association

The Slovak School Sport Association was founded almost Twenty-six  years ago on the initiative of a large number of physical education teachers and with the support of the then Ministry of Education of the Slovak republic. It all started on 3rd July, 1991 at  the founding congress in Bratislava, with the hope that the newly-founded civil association “will soon become an essential part of our physical training and sports movement by developing a good quality of voluntary work for the benefit of children and the youth”.

We did it! The Slovak School Sport Association quickly became a stable member of the wide spectrum of entities relating to physical culture in Slovakia. The results we have achieved are due to the huge efforts of hundreds of fans of school sports, their hard work and self-sacrifice.

Anton Javorka

We are one of the most consolidated

The supreme body of the SSSA is the congress, which meets (according to a  statute) once a year, while the electoral congress is held every four years. In between the individual congresses, the SSSA is governed by the directorate which works according to a plan and usually meets every two months. The executive structure also includes the secretariat, field sections (they manage competitions in individual sports) and professional commissions –  Technical commissions,  Fair play commission and others. In every region and district there are regional and district clubs of the SSSA.

During its history,, the SSSA has had five presidents – Mr. Ján Gabryš, Mr.Jozef Bartík,Mr. Milan Rybanský,Mr. Ján Chladný , Mr. Anton Javorka and Mr.Marian Majzlík, the present time president. . Mr. František Chmelár and Mr. Anton Javorka  both  served as vice presidents and Mrs. Marta Dančíková  was  secretary general. The post of the present ime secretary general is held by Ms.Andrea Ristová.

We could say that currently the SSSA is one of the most consolidated entities on the Slovak  scene of physical education.

Rare in Europe

One of the most significant accomplishments of the Slovak School Sport Association surely is the establishment of an integrated and, in Europe, rare system of school sport competitions, which is annually updated in the CALENDAR OF SCHOOL SPORTS COMPETITIONS in he SLOVAK REPUBLIC, published by the SSSA and the Ministry of Education. The calendar has been evolved and improved throughout the years. At the moment, it comprises1 6 sports competitions divided into two age categories – primary school pupils and secondary school students.

The number of those taking part in sports competitions is high and rises every year. In the school year of 1992/93, 116,010 young sportsmen got involved in the district, regional and national rounds. while at the present time they number about a quarter million. These numbers, however, do not include competitions on school levels and various regional events, or students taking part in sports competitions organized by other bodies.

Member of ISF from the very beginning

The Slovak School Sport Association has been maintaining successful international contacs, too  It has been a full  member of the International School Sport Federation since 1991 and plays an active role by working in its bodies and committees.For such a small country, as Slovakia undoubtedly is, our organization is represented in the ISF structures by a relatively large number of people – from Vladimír Grieger through Jozef Bartík to the foursome of Technical Committee members/ Ján Dančík, Alexander Harna, Roman Králik and Rastislav Behančin ). The most prominent position belonged to the late Jozef Bartík, who during his term of. SSSA presidency, served also as ISF vice-president .     The Slovak schoolsportsmen are motivated  mainly by attending international school sports competitions – in athletics, football, basketball, volleyball, handball, table tennis, swimming, skiing, orienteering and cross-country racing, badminton and floorball. The World Schoosl Championship isregularly held every two years and Slovak school sports are represented by teams or individuals who qualify from national competitions or individual qualifications.

The first delegation representing the SSSA and the Slovak schoolspor tcomprised cross-country runners in Albufeira(Portugal)  in 1992,who took 4th place in the girls and 5th place in the boys competition. In the same year (11-18.4.1992 ) the Handball World School Championship was staged in Hadersleve(Denmark ) where the Hlohovec based Gymnázium´s girls team finished in 7th place and the SPŠ Martin boys team took 8th place .Another significant event attended by Czechoslovak boys and girls were the 1.European Schools Games, held in Caen,France,(2-8.7.1992). During the 25-year history of the SSSA a large number of national selections representing the Slovak schoolsport has been set up.

When sending their representatives abroad, the Slovak School Sport Association pays great attention to social behaviour – good manners, a polite attitude, respecting the priciples of Fair-play andl presentation of cultural life in Slovakia. Remarkable sporting achievements of our athletes make us feel happy too.. Throughout the history of the SSSA, Slovak school sportsmen have won 20 gold, 20 silver and 36 bronze medals. The following individual sportsmen and teams have succeeded in stepping on to the highest level of the podium and listen to the Slovak National Anthem:

Gymnasiade-Caen,France (2. - 8.7.1992)

OŠG Bratislava-boys athletics

OŠG Trenčín- girls athletics and boys swimming

Gymnázium Kežmarok-girls volley-ball

Jean Humbert Cup-Alba,Italy (24.30.61993 )

ŠG Banská Bystrica-boys

ISF WSC Skiing-Collingwood, Canada (7 -13.3.1993)

OŠG Banská Bystrica- boys and girls cross-country skiing, girls downhill skiing

Gymnasiade- Cyprus (14 -21.5.1994 )

Miriam Mašeková-400m track

Dana Hornáková—swimming, 200m medley

Jean Humbert Cup – Banská Bystrica,Slovakia( June,1995 )

Boys Slovak National Team

ISF WSC Skiing- Tarvisio, Italy (26.2.-3.3.)

OŠG Banská Bystrica –boys and girls cross-country skiing

Gymnasiade- Athens, Greece (2006 )

Alexandra Štuková-400m, track

Tomáš Ondrejko-pole-vault

ISF WSC Orienteering – Pezinok, Slovakia (2006 )

Branislav Íro

ISF WSC Basketball-Pau, France (6-16.4.2008 )

Gymnázium Š.Moyzesa, Ružomberok - girls

ISF WSC Handball- Braga,Guimares, Portugal (19-27.3.2010)

Business Academy based in Považská Bystrica- boys

ISF WSc Basketball 3X3,- Tallin, Estonia ( 16-21.6.2016 )

St.Vincent de Paul´s Private School, Levice – girls


The Children and Youth´s Olympiad, termed Kalokagatia in Trnava as well as the Winter Kalokagatia in the Spiš region are examples of fruitful international contacts.These significant sports events have been attended by boys and girls from Poland, Germany, Hungary, the Czech republic,Austria, Belorussia, Bulgaria, Serbia, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosna and Herzegovina,Ukraine and Switzerland. Reciprocal exchanges were made on a regular basis with Germany, where swimmers and skiers represented the Slovak Schoolsport.The year 2007 saw the beginning of a new era of international activities the SSSA entered with the start of the Slovak Youth Deputationˇs Message to the Bejing Olympic Games in Piešťany, where delegates of Schoolsport organizations of the V4 countries met for the first time. One of the Projects, resulting from this meeting, is the idea of an International League among the V4 countries, which was initiated by the historically first international meeting in schoolsport- boys and girls´ teams from the Czech republic and Slovakia met in a four-match event.

Apart from the comprehensive system of promotional school competitions and the regular participation of Slovak  students in events abroad, the most significant organization of schoolsport in Slovakia can boast a whole array of other projects, which are part of the system of competitions or complete it.

Calocagatia – the  most precious jewel

In 1991 in the city of Trnava, the ancient Greek idea of calocagatia was once again revived. The idea expresses the connection of physical perfection with mental beauty and human kindness. Apart from other things, it is also represented by the Olympiad of children an youth – CALOCAGATIA. It first took place globally in Slovakia in 1992, comprising fifteen sporting and five cultural competitions. The premiere was so successful that the Children and Youth´s Olympiad  now takes place every two years, and always in the year of the Olympic games.

The importance of CALOCAGATIA is underlined by the fact that in 1994 it was held   under the auspices of the International Olympic Committee and in 2000 Mr. Jacques Rogge, the president of IOC, attended the opening ceremony of the games.

Since 1996, young sportsmen from abroad have been coming to Trnava and since 1998 its winter counterpart has regularly been organized in Spišská Nová Ves. The preparation of this significant event is interwoven with the work of the Calocagatia association in Slovakia and also closely connected with the Slovak Olympic Movement, represented by the Slovak Olympic Committee.

“I am delighted by what I saw and encountered in Trnava. What the ancient Greeks achieved, has not yet been surpassed. Despite the passing centuries, the idea of calocagatia remains a goal. It appears in front of us over and over again and it tempts us to reach it. I am glad that the idea of calocagatia is still alive also thanks to the enthusiasts in Slovakia.

Europe is aging. I see the future in the young. We have to concentrate on them more than ever. Your CALOCAGATIA has all the necessary preconditions to it.”

Jacques Rogge, President of IOC

GAUDEAMUS IGITUR – „Let us be happy!.

The peculiarity of the first Children and Youthˇ Olympiad, termed Calokagatia in 1992 was the fact that the competitions targeted two age categories-boys and girls from basic and secondary schools. The event scheduled this way was rather demanding from the organizational point of view. That is why the organizers decided to split the single event into two olympiads – for basic schools in even and for secondary schools in odd years. While the basic schools´Calokagatia turned out as scheduled, the one for the secondary schools failed to succeed. The first unsuccessful attempt to resume it was back in 1992. It was finally renewed in 2007 at the instigation of Tibor Mikuš, the then chief of the Trnava Self-governing Region. In this way, a new event was born, termed „Gaudeamus Igitur“.

School employees are not forgotten either

Since the very beginning, the Slovak School Sport Association has been trying to introduce various incentives for those who are responsible for organizing school competitions and other events for primary and secondary school students. And so the SSSA has gradually evolved from occasional activities to an integrated system of sporting competitions for school employees.

The culmination of these efforts were the 1st Olympiad  of School Employees in Nitra. The representatives of school teams from all Slovak regions met in the city under the peak of Zobor so they could establish a new tradition by taking part in fair play sports competitions. Because of the sporting and social success of the event, other towns soon followed – Trenčín, Komárno, Banská Bystrica, Piešťany, while Trnava and Spišská Nová Ves have held the event twice.

Then an undesired pause followed .On the 25th anniversary of the founding of the SSSA, the School employees´ Olympiad was resumed and held in Dunajská Streda.

School  FAIR PLAY Trophy

One of the pillars of CALOCAGATIA is the fact that the SSSA has always considered it to be not just a single event, but a permanent pursuit of FAIR PLAY principles, not only on sports fields but also in  every day lives of young sportsmen.

Although it is hard to measure, the fruits of the fifteen -year-old effort are visible. It is confirmed by numerous examples of students’ noble behaviour and also by the movement called “School collective of FAIR PLAY”, but especially by the results of the “School  FAIR PLAY Trophy”. Its laureates, both teachers and students – are regularly awarded in the year of the  Olympic Games on the occasion of CALOCAGATIA. The Fair Play Trophy is given for a noble act of sportsmanship both on and off  the sports field and for a long standing pedagogical activity accompanied by attitudes and actions in the spirit of Olympic ideals. Many of those recognized have been proposed to receive the award of the Slovak Olympic Committee.

Further activities of the SSSA

The School of the year: the competition of activity of primary and secondary schools in Slovakia, the three supporting pillars of which are: participation, educationl and performance. Part of the School of the year evaluation is also giving the  sportsman of the year title in 2 categories.   

School days of sports: distance  competitions in sports disciplines with simple rules. (skipping, ABC of a football player, Festival of penalty shoot out) A relatively independent part of the „School Days of Sports“is The Memorial of Mária Zavarská: a national competition in endurance relay: boys 10 x 1 km, girls 5 x 80

Champions League: unusual football competition for school teams  named afer  top  European clubs.

Football  cup: national competition in small footbal originallyl in three age categories at the present time only for upper level basic schol boys and girls, which up to 2017 carried the project partner´s name –Jednota.

Schoolsport Magazine-Tokyo 2020

A monthly magazine of school sports and Olympic education. The title is derived from the city hosting  the upcoming summer Olympic Games (previously it was Atlanta 1996, Sydney 2000, Athens 2004,Bejing 2008, London 2012 and Rio de Jeneiro 2016).

The system of educational activitiesbelongs to the main tasks of the SSSA. Since 2009, when the SSSA´s  executive board  adopted a resolution- active development of educational programs under the terms of the SSSA, we have completed a relatively wide selection of formal and informal educational activities.

Accredited education of experts in sports in line with the unified educational system in sport continual  education of teachers

Unaccredited education targeting new kinds of sports, providing the youth a wide variety of activities in their spare time, healthy life-style.

Programme of the „Olympic Education“,  under the terms of the SSSA, part of which is the „Big Olympic Quiz“, named “ My best memory“.

Tlačivo - ceny - prevzatie

Za prenájom telocviční, štadiónov, športových zariadení, prípadne iné prenájmy. Dokladmi sú: faktúra, objednávka, zmluva o prenájme, dohoda o cene, prípadne blok z registračnej pokladne. Upozorňujeme, že nestačí iba príjmový a výdavkový pokladničný doklad!!!

Technické zabezpečenie
Patrí sem technické zabezpečenie súťaží, zdravotná služba, úprava tratí a štadiónov, ozvučenie, spracovanie výsledkov, propagácia, náklady na výzdobu, kultúrny program, nákup kancelárskych potrieb, telefónne karty, ceny, dohody VP, fotodokumentácia a pod.
O dohodách o VP platí to isté, čo je uvedené v Rozhodcovskom.

Ku každej faktúre musí byť doložená objednávka. Pri preplatení faktúr bankovým prevodom treba k vyúčtovaniu doložiť fotokópiu výpisu z účtu. To isté platí o zaplatení dane zo závislej činnosti, ak bola uhradená prevodným príkazom. Pri úhrade faktúry v hotovosti musí byť doložený príjmový a výdavkový pokladničný doklad. K bloku z registračnej pokladne sa vypisuje výdavkový pokladničný doklad. Na blokoch z registračnej pokladne za občerstvenie a technické zabezpečenie (okrem vyhotovenia fotografií) musí byť nižší dátum, prípadne dátum konania súťaže. Občerstvenie a potrebné technické vybavenie nemožno kupovať po skončení akcie. Súčasťou predloženého vyúčtovania musia byť propozície, výsledkové listiny a protokoly o prevzatí cien.

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